Huizhi Technology signs a contract with HSBC Petrochemical for lithium hexafluorophosphate and high-purity hydrogen fluoride process package and design

发布时间:2021-12-13 14:50:22

Recently, Huizhi Technology successfully signed the process package and design contract for the 2000 ton/year lithium hexafluorophosphate and 5000 ton/year high-purity hydrogen fluoride projects of Shandong HSBC Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd. The project is provided by Huizhi Technology with process technology, design, and start-up services.


In recent years, Huizhi Technology has increased market development and technological reserves in the electronic grade chemicals and lithium battery industry, achieving excellent results.

Next, Huizhi Technology will optimize the design plan, improve the project implementation details, and achieve the goal of safe, reliable, advanced and applicable project construction, striving to play a leading and exemplary role in the industry.
